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This resource from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a practical, classroom activity that allows the students to make a balloon model of a disease-causing bacterium. This illustrates its basic shape and structure. Students can choose from three bacteria species...

This collection of videos, produced by William Emeny for, describe methods of how to perform the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and addition.

Addition covers adding whole numbers and decimals using the column method.


Computers are often required to find information in large collections of data. They need to develop quick and efficient ways of doing this. This activity demonstrates three different search methods: linear searching, binary searching and hashing. This resource begins with the introductory activity of battleships....

This resource consists of 11 instant maths ideas, ideal for use as starter questions, extension question or probing questions to assess understanding, requiring students to: * explain the use of bearings in practical activities * use bearings to crack a code * calculate the connection between the bearing of a...

Even though computers are fast, there is a limit to how quickly they can solve problems. One way to speed things up is to use several computers to solve different parts of a problem. In this activity sorting networks are used to do several sorting comparisons at the same time. This resource begins with a discussion...

In this resource, students use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house. Activities to help them with their design include testing materials (for strength and absorbency) and structures. Set on a fictitious island coping with the devastating effects of flooding caused by...

Becta was the government agency leading the national drive to ensure the effective and innovative use of technology in education. It was established in 1997 and closed in March 2011. Becta provided leadership to embed the effective use of technology and provided rigorous research to evaluate the impact of...


This is the parallel Guide, from the Nuffield Mathematics Project, to Beginnings (Circle series). It deals with the early awareness of both the meaning of number and the relationships which can emerge from everyday experiences of environmental play: measuring, length, capacity, area, time and size.

This collection of resources has been collated by the National STEM Learning Centre and Network and covers a wide range of topics related to effective behaviour management.

In 2005 the Wellcome Trust commissioned this survey of teachers and managers in state maintained schools in England, focusing on three main aspects of continuing professional development (CPD):

• What do different types of teacher want from CPD?
• What are the benefits of CPD, and for whom?

This report from Ofsted looks at low level classroom disruption. Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector (HMCI) raised concerns about low-level disruption in schools in his Annual Report 2012/13. As a consequence, guidance to inspectors was tightened to place greater emphasis on this issue in routine inspections. In addition...

This collection of Beta Mathematics resources, published by Schofield & Sims, was developed to cater for students of average or below average ability many of whom may have had reading difficulties. The course is covered at a slower pace than the Alpha Mathematics series. It also utilises suitable apparatus and...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the first in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. The structure is replicated in other books of the series and there are frequent...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the second in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...
