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There are teacher notes and student materials which describe the research into the potential effects of climate change on a Coralline algae species. Curriculum links include biodiversity, sampling techniques, student t test, Simpson’s Index, photosynthesis, climate...

Produced in 2015, these resources look specifically at how genes can be altered in plants and how bacteria are central to genetic engineering techniques. Genetically modified (GM) crops offer the potential to help improve food security though this still remains...

In this SATIS Revisited resource, students consider the Californian Gold Rush and its impact on the environment through pollution in the food chain and analysis of mercury in fish from local lakes and rivers.


This resources, from Siemens, looks at how an electric car works, the components of the system and the function of each component. Students research the charge and discharge cycles of a battery-powered device and consider the advantages and disadvantages of battery power. They look at what is meant by the capacity...


In this SATIS Revisited resource students use real data to determine the cause of illness in cattle on a farm. They analyse the animals' diets to find that the illness is caused by mineral deficiency.

This unit has...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to the ethical and moral issues of remote surgery.

It is intended that students will be able to:
• Understand what...

This resource looks at the effective use of low energy light bulbs and how they have enabled the waterfront at Durban in South Africa to be transformed. The first activity sets the scene by showing how lighting is not only a technical process but has a social impact too. It then presents students with the challenge...

inGenious was a multi-stakeholder initiative in STEM education launched by European Schoolnet and the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) with an aim of increasing the links between science education and careers. This €8 million European programme in STEM education involved more than 40 partner...

In this resource form the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), students are asked to evaluate the evidence about climate change and think about ways to manage the worst of its effects. Students learn about the ways of modelling the effects using computers using data and knowledge of physical processes...

In this SATIS Revisited resource students look at the role of the kidney and treatment of kidney failure by dialysis and with transplants, and explore issues around the shortage of donor organs in the UK.

In 2010 the number of individuals requiring kidney transplants in the UK was approximately 8000 people....

In this SATIS Revisited resource students find out about MRSA infection, whether metals have antimicrobial properties, and the type of work carried out in testing a treatment to assess its effectiveness.

MRSA (...


From the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this resource helps students to consider the allocations of funds to one or more malaria intervention projects. In groups they must discuss the pros and cons of different the projects and decide which should receive funding....

This resource looks at how cutting edge science is being used to answer archaeological questions, as well as solving present day problems, such as the identification of meat in processed foods. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA was performed, at the University of York, on samples from skeletal remains unearthed by the...
