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Human vs Hermes
This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to the ethical and moral issues of remote surgery.
It is intended that students will be able to:
• Understand what remote surgery is
• Appreciate that different groups of people may have different views on the nature and benefits of scientific and technological advances
• Analyse the social, ethical and moral implications of remote surgery technology
Telemedicine is a new and fast developing field in healthcare. Even 20 years ago the idea of a surgeon being able to operate a robot from hundreds of miles away in order to perform an operation seemed like science fiction. Today, this is not only possible but engineers, working with scientists and doctors, are now designing robotic systems which will be able to operate on patients with no human intervention at all.
In this activity students consider the ethical and moral issues associated with the development of new technology. The presentation and the newspaper article set the scene for the debate. The activity sheet supports the students as they develop their argument for or against the development of the Hermes surgical robot.
Related activities can be found in the Remote Operations sub-collection.
This activity is supported by the video Robotic Surgery and the video Remote Medicine.
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