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This SATIS Revisited resource looks at the environmental and ecological consequences of further expansion of biofuel crops due to deforestation, biodiversity and landscapes.

Biodiesel is a fuel derived from biomass (...

This Core Maths resource includes data from which students can calculate correlation coefficients. The resources includes a card sort that matches up scatter-graphs, data tables and product moment correlation coefficients. 

The teachers' notes give detailed teaching suggestions on how to introduce and...

This resource, from Siemens UK, looks at the use of wind farms to provide sustainable energy for a range of communities in a variety of settings. The selection of a New Zealand context is significant as Maori communities see themselves as being responsible for effective stewardship of the land for future...

This resource introduces the formulae for the surface areas of cylinders, cones and spheres. Students are asked to use these to...

This activity looks at climate change and its effects on succession in a location in Norfolk over 12000 years ago.

Students carry out a simulation of a bog core analysis, based on work by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research together with data from the Department of Geography, University of...

This unplugged activity, from the CS4FN team at Queen Mary University of London, helps learners to understand variable assignment and operations. They use the idea of variables as boxes as the basis of a group activity, developing their use of logical thinking to trace variables through programs.


This unplugged activity from Peter McOwan and Paul Curzon mingles computer science with biology. A group activity is used that mimics the firing of neurons within the brain. These trigger other neurons to fire – these can be compared to AND gates in logic circuits.

The ‘brain in a bag’ kits used in the...

In this module students will study barnacle morphology, life histories and life styles as Darwin did. He based his classification and search for a common ancestor upon his studies. Recent work using genetic and molecular evidence and scanning electron microscopy shows how some of the key difficulties in drawing the...

The Youth Grand Challenges is a new STEM competition that aims to inspire students aged 11-to-19.  This resource provides a selection of ideas for research or practical projects on the subect of the spread of disease.

Curriculum links include pathogens, bacteria, epidemics, pandemics, malaria, water borne...

This Core Maths resource contains teachers' notes, lesson plan and student handouts that explore budgeting and foreign exchange. The two topics can be combined into one large project or taught as two discrete tasks. 

There is a Powerpoint presentation of the tasks for classroom use, including possible...

This is a classroom-based activity from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute that allows students to explore the features of two bacterial pathogen genomes. The aim of this activity is to highlight the role of different genetic components in two closely related subspecies of Salmonella enterica, and to identify how...

In this activity students design and model a robot arm in 2D, need to be able to name the main parts of a robot arm and to be able to design and make a 2D card model of a 3D product. Robot arms are an example of a programmable system. They are used in a wide variety of industrial applications, ranging from loading...

In this activity, students create colour images from satellite data. This allows them to study how different surfaces reflect different wavelengths of light, how coloured images are created using an RGB model, and how band combinations can be chosen to examine a particular landscape effectively.

This resource develops the concept of solving equations where the unknown appears once or more than once.

Students are given the equation

x = 6

and then told that the value of x could have been derived from the equation

3x =  2x + 6

Students are then construct their own equation...

This lesson develops the concept of finding areas of sectors. In particular students will:

  • Find perimeters, areas, and arc lengths of sectors using formulas
  • Find the relationships between arc lengths, and areas of sectors after scaling
  • Using radians

The initial challenge...
