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These technical briefs look at agricultural production in many parts of the world, carried out on a small-scale by farmers. Relatively small improvements in agricultural practice can have a big impact on yield and dramatically improve the life of a farmer and their family.

Technical briefs are documents...

Since ancient times, humans have gazed at the stars and tried to understand the night sky. This process continues today with observations still made by the naked eye but also with sophisticated telescopes and instruments that look at infra-red, ultraviolet, microwave and other wavelengths. This collection contains...

These wide-ranging resources provide information and guidance that will help practitioners and employers consider issues such as gender equality, subject choice, inclusive pedagogy and providing successful work placements.

The CREST Awards scheme is the only nationally recognised accreditation scheme for STEM project work for 5-19 year olds. Around 40’000 students in the UK gain CREST Awards every year through investigations and enquiry-based learning, supporting them to solve real-life STEM challenges.

Benefits of...

CREST awards aim to encourage primary and secondary school students to undertake projects in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) related areas. Students' achievements can be recognised with awards at bronze, silver and gold levels.

These case studies describe how a range of schools have used...

CREST Awards help school students to undertake projects in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) related areas. Students' achievements can be recognised with awards at bronze, silver and gold levels. The resources in this section contain a series of project ideas that can be used to gain CREST Awards....

Produced for Future Morph, this short video shows the activities of a student studying a National Diploma in Land Based Technology at Bicton College. The student describes how the course develops skills in the maintenance and repair of machinery such as tractors, commercial vehicles and other agricultural...

A case study from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) which looks at the forensic evidence and intelligence that are left at crime scenes by footwear, gloves, tyres and fingers. New Latent Image Markup and Analysis (LIMA) software provides a fast, accurate way of transmitting and...

These technical briefs focus on energy access as a key element in lifting people out of poverty. In remote locations small-scale renewable...


These materials provide examples of effective practice in equality and diversity within STEM subjects and careers. 

The non-statutory guidance containing information on what schools need to do to meet their requirements under the equality duties can be found...

Dallas Campbell shows how you can get involved in engineering from your own home.  T...

These images, from NASA, show crafts that have been used in the surface exploration of Mars. They illustrate space exploration including the Mars Viking lander which looked for signs of life on Mars.

The first human in space was Yuri Gagarin. Since then, humans have 'walked' in space, set foot on the Moon and lived for long periods in orbit on craft like the International Space Station (ISS). This collection contains images, video and other resources that show how humans have explored space.
