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This Impact Summary, published in 2015, showed how for the previous ten years the National Science Learning Network had provided teachers, technicians and other educators with high impact, subject-specific professional development in science and other STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics...

Published in 2006 by the Scottish Government, this report looks at the progress towards a Curriculum for Excellence. It was designed to present ideas and stimulate discussion between stakeholders in education within Scotland.

The Curriculum for Excellence considers how and what children and young people...

This pilot version of the Recommended Code of Governance for Schools was published by the Wellcome Trust in October 2012. It is aimed at providing school governors and senior leaders with a robust yet flexible framework they can use to set the strategic direction for their school, and that governors can use to hold...

This report was the result of a request to Carol Vorderman from David Cameron and Michael Gove for advice on mathematics education at the time the Conservative Party was in opposition. A small voluntary task force was formed and worked with organisations and individuals (including students and parents) in the...

Alternatives for Science Education was produced and published by the Association for Science Education (ASE) in 1979. Its sub-title, A Consultative Document, indicates its aim and status. In addition to being a document of considerable historical interest, it contains arguments of continued relevance.


This booklet aims to provide a starting point for reflection and discussion on issues in primary science education. It has been produced to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the original Active Teaching and Learning Project (ATLAS) which drew upon the expertise, experience and advice of teachers and educators from...

Published in 1989 by Her Majesty's Inspectorate (HMI), this report looks at the changes in science teaching from the mid-seventies to the late-eighties and discusses how further improvements could be achieved. It is based on observations made by HMI during the inspection of 300 primary schools in England, and from...

This resource is a summary of a seminar organised by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education) in November 2009. The seminar aimed to discuss the purpose and methods of assessment of practical work in science. It also looked at the current GCSE specifications and the key philosophical differences of the...

In 2005 the Wellcome Trust commissioned this survey of teachers and managers in state maintained schools in England, focusing on three main aspects of continuing professional development (CPD):

• What do different types of teacher want from CPD?
• What are the benefits of CPD, and for whom?

This report from Ofsted looks at low level classroom disruption. Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector (HMCI) raised concerns about low-level disruption in schools in his Annual Report 2012/13. As a consequence, guidance to inspectors was tightened to place greater emphasis on this issue in routine inspections. In addition...

This report, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, evaluates Big Picture, its free publication on bioscience, and explores ways in which it could be developed. It was hoped that this summary of the main findings would be of use to other organisations developing materials for teachers and students, particularly those...

This IPSE publication from the Association for Science Education (ASE) describes attempts within the Education Support Grant (ESG) project to establish liaison between and within schools. Most attempts were concerned with the primary-secondary interface. In addition to commenting on these, this publication also...

According to a working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, published in 2016,  removing low-performing...

Published in June 2002. Dyslexia affects a significant proportion of the UK population and can be a barrier to learning in science for those afflicted. There are a number of techniques teachers can employ to alleviate the problems dyslexic students face with both practical and written work in science. These have...

The aim of this survey was to evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken by local authorities in relation to children and young people who are missing from education or in danger of becoming so. It considers whether legislation and guidance support the local authorities effectively in protecting and educating them...
