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A Catalyst article about working in materials science and engineering, the process of deciding which material is best for each application. The structure of materials, processing them and working in jobs and careers with them are explained.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2007, Volume 17,...

A Catalyst article about John Snow who discovered the cause of cholera, how it spreads and how to avoid it. Snow's work is what is now referred to as epidemiology and his persistent investigative work and resulting publications resulted in health authorities using his findings.

This article is from Catalyst...

A Catalyst article about physicists working at Europe’s Large Hadron Collider who hope to have received the first results from what is probably the biggest, most expensive and most ambitious scientific experiment ever carried out. Later, they hope to solve the mystery of the fundamental forces of nature.


A Catalyst article about modern car engines and how they can run smoothly and propel drivers for thousands of miles without needing much attention, apart from refuelling with diesel or petrol. The engine also needs oil. The article describes engine oil, its composition and ingredients, how it works and how to...

A Catalyst article about homeostasis describing how the process enables birds and mammals to be active on cold days when other species are not.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004, Volume 14, Issue 3.

Catalyst is...

A Catalyst article discussing how the human body has to handle all sorts of variations, balancing its inputs and outputs, if it is to work efficiently. The article concentrates on one organ, the kidney, and the way it helps to keep things on an even keel through the functions of homeostasis and excretion. What...

A Catalyst article about light emitting diodes and how they are more energy efficient than existing light bulbs which waste most of the energy they receive. The article explains how LEDs work and how they can be applied in traffic lights. Creating white light from LEDs is difficult and the article looks at possible...

A Catalyst article about devising better, more energy-efficient lighting. In particular the article focuses on LEDs. Like food, water, clothing and shelter, light is essential to daily life and is needed by most people for most of their waking hours. The article explains how LEDs work and how they are made.


A Catalyst article investigating if there is life elsewhere in the universe. Scientists have found many different ways of looking for life. This article looks at the exploration so far.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004, Volume 14, Issue 3.


A Catalyst article describing how a decaying log is used by many different invertebrates and vertebrates. The damp environment is suitable for many species. This well illustrated article looks at some of them.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2011, Volume 21, Issue 3.


A Catalyst article about Earth’s biodiversity much of which appears to be teetering on the brink of a man-made extinction crisis. Scientists have suggested that, unless urgent action is taken now, many species will disappear in the next 50 years. This article looks at some of the issues involved.


A Catalyst article about the Nobel Prize for physics 2009 winner Charles Kao, who developed optical fibre systems and CCDs which are the basis of most of today's long distance telephone systems. Kao also developed tiny solid state lasers which work for years without failing. The article also looks at the bringing...

This Catalyst article describes how an indicator changes colour when in solutions of different pH. Most indicators simply turn one colour in acid and another in alkali, although they are often an in-between colour when neutral. A universal indicator only turns as many colours as it does because it is a mixture of...

A Catalyst article about the idea of life on Mars. Scientists involved with the Mars Express mission aim to find out more and will try to establish if there ever has been life on Mars. The article looks at the miniature devices that they will employ on the mission. 

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE...

A Catalyst article looking at how to measure parts of carbon cycling as it happens in forests. Two of the processes used, flux towers and soil chambers, are described.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2007, Volume 17, Issue 4.

