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This STEMNET activity case study describes how STEM Ambassador Felix Schubert shadowed another engineer, Ross Wattie, to learn the skills needed to present sessions for groups of students.

Felix was asked to do four sessions of a science workshop for 120 primary school children but felt apprehensive about...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the work of Vicki Hodges as a STEM Ambassador. In a wide range of activities, she has helped to build a space station in an infant school, worked at careers fairs for older students and lectured at universities. Vicki has worked with all age groups and enjoys sharing her...

This STEMNET activity case study describes the many activities that STEM Ambassador Caron Malone has been involved with. These include designing and making 'intelligent clothing' with primary school children, a Smart Energy workshop and careers day talks. Caron is particularly keen to involve more girls in STEM...

In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins describes how he works with children and teachers on projects such as building a musical dinosaur crest out of plumbing materials. This gave pupils hands-on engineering experience and an understanding of acoustics.

"You have to learn to...

This resource provides careers profiles for two young people working in the space industry: Jonathan Scott - Team Lead for the Medical Project and Technology Team in the Space Medicine Office at The European Space Agency’s European Astronaut Centre Jennifer S. - Biomedical Engineer Flight Controller for the...

This resource is aimed at students and is a 22 page document outlining the careers of 9 people involved with the SAMHE project, designed to inspire future careers in research. The people include a communications specialist, project manager and web developer, as well as researchers.

ENTHUSE Placements give teachers an opportunity to experience invaluable placements in a leading UK STEM organisation or university. It allows teachers to take away a wealth of knowledge for their students to transform their understanding of STEM careers and enrich the teaching of STEM subjects.


Produced by the Industrial Trust, Business & Education South Yorkshire and JIVE (Joint Interventions), this leaflet identifies hints and tips to help organisers of visits to industry. Often organisations that are prepared to offer industrial visits to their sites are unaware of the action they can take to make...

inGenious was a multi-stakeholder initiative in STEM education launched by European Schoolnet and the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) with an aim of increasing the links between science education and careers. This €8 million European programme in STEM education involved more than 40 partner...

This guide supports educators in inspiring all children to enjoy activities relating to STEM subjects, in particular girls. It looks at statistics of women in STEM roles and introduces many female...

Jassel Majevadia is currently completing a PhD which will contribute to the safety of nuclear energy. Working on her Mac in coffee shops at Imperial College, she is able to apply her knowledge of mathematics and physics to perform new calculations and improve understanding of the way in which tiny bits of materials...

Jo Shien Ng works to develop more and more sensitive electrical components called 'avalanche photodiodes' used in everything from satellites that look at the Earth from space, to body scanners in hospitals and airports. She does this by applying an understanding of the behaviour of materials developed through...

From the London Engineering Project, this document gives practical advice to practitioners about gender and cultural diversity, and suggests good practice in technology and engineering delivery.

This careers pack, for primary schools, uses space as a context to highlight the importance of STEM subjects. The resource has been written to highlight some of the STEM career opportunities available so that students, teachers and school communities can discuss and explore, from an earlier age, the breadth of jobs...

You may have seen Maggie Aderin-Pocock presenting BBC's The Sky at Night, asking Jeremy Paxman to hold a torch while she described a lunar eclipse, or on the sofa of a breakfast television show or The One Show talking enthusiastically about science. You may not know that she has hung out of the back of military...
