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Mechanical engineer, Tom Hunt, shows how precision machines are used to produce the PanCam instrument, which will be sent to the European Space Agency to be integrated on to the ExoMars rover.  Electronics engineer, Barry Hancock, shows the filter wheel being tested within the labs, at the Mullard Space Science...

This Catalyst article explores how cyclists can use physics to explain certain limitations to their performance. Variables which may affect a cyclist's speed such as force, energy and power are considered along with formulas for calculating the correct amount of each in order to optimise performance.


To help students engage in science and mathematics through inquiry, PhET simulations were developed to allow students to investigate cause-and-effect relationships and answer scientific questions through exploration of the simulation.

Several tools in the simulations provide an interactive experience:


Produced by LSIS, this interactive resource aims to support classroom practitioners in improving the quality of learning in practical science sessions. It is not a set of suggested practical activities to use in the classroom. Instead, it provides a framework for clarifying and achieving learning outcomes through...

Produced by the Nuffield Foundation in partnership with the Society of Biology, Royal Society of Chemistry, and Institute of physics, these resources aim to support science classroom practitioners at secondary level. Practical Work for Learning comprises a set of resources exemplifying three different pedagogical...

The videos in this collection from Teachers TV are aimed at secondary school science teachers. They contain advice and guidance on pedagogy, lesson planning, organising science in and out of the classroom and other areas of teaching and learning. They are useful to both newly qualified and experienced teachers....

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), these naked Scientist podcasts look at a wide range of general science questions in an accessible and informative way. In these podcasts, the Naked Scientist answers questions from callers into Talk Radio...

Dr. Lewis Dartnell takes a sample from the Atacama desert, to the Open University, to be analysed by a Raman spectrometer.  The spectrometer shows the organic compounds that Lewis found on the quartz, as well as the composition of the quartz itself.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one...

Practical Action have supplied this teacher's pack to challenge students to use their STEM skills to come up with solutions to a problem of water shortage in Sudan. The pack includes a PowerPoint presentation and Teacher Guide so that teachers can outline the problem to their students. The PowerPoint makes...

Research Councils UK (RCUK) is the strategic partnership of the UK's seven Research Councils. These are:

•Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

•Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) •Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)

•Economic and Social...

These resources from the last in the series of Science Year CD ROMs, AKA Science, focus on a range of science themes. The wide-ranging materials include: • Major resources - the main themed activities • Everywhere - science through cross-curricular and whole-school activities • Explore - a variety of games and...

Traditional cooking stoves burn fuel and produce a lot of smoke which is a major cause of pollution, leading to problems locally for the people using the stoves and also globally as a probable cause of retreating glaciers. According to the World Health Organisation, four million people worldwide die each year from...

This collection includes the topics that were developed by international teams of teachers participating in Science Across the World between 1991 and 2010. The project was run by the Association for Science Education (ASE). A special feature of the topics is that they are available in several languages. Every topic...

This collection includes the topics that were developed for secondary students by international teams of teachers as part of the Science Across the World project. The project was run by the Association for Science Education (ASE). Every topic leads towards an exchange of findings and ideas between groups of...

The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) produces classroom resources and teacher guidance to help highlight the links between classroom science and science-based industry. Resources in this collection contain information about the chemical and plastics industries as well as practical guidance about...
