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Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of landscape ecologist, Amy Eycott. Through investigating habitats and biodiversity, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities available in ecology and biology...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of product manager, James Seymour. Through investigating organic food crops and horticulture, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities available in plant...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), these materials look at the work of plant research scientist, Beverley Glover. Through activities based around plant adaptations, students gain a greater understanding of the career opportunities available in plant...

Professor Andrew Coates and Dr Ian Hutchinson explain how the ExoMars instruments, the Pancam and Raman spectroscopy instruments can be combined to help scientists identify areas of interest on the surface of Mars.  The video shows how field trips are important to learn first-hand the challenges that the ExoMars...

The United Nations General Assembly announced that 21st March would be the International Day of Forests in 2012 to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests. Countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organise activities involving forests and...

This Catalyst article looks at the career and interests of Dr Gareth Fraser, who has been interested in marine biology since he was a child. Dr Fraser describes how his interest is leading to surprising possibilities in the field of...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematics modelling can aid investigations into the circulatory system. Blood-related diseases can seriously harm patients’ quality of life and even lead to death. Many of these diseases are caused by...

Planetary scientists, Dr. Matthew Balme and Dr. Elliot Sefton-Nash, talk about how challenging it is to find a scientifically compelling site to land in, once the engineering considerations in terms of the landing has been taken into account.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one of the...

Colourful stylised poster of mountain to sea, showing Scotland's land-based and aquaculture industries. The poster would be suitable for younger secondary school students as an introduction to the variety of careers in land management, agriculture and fisheries.

Guidance and navigation engineer, Richard Lancaster, explains how the ‘Mars Yard’, at Airbus Defence and Space, Stevenage, allows engineers to test out the capabilities of the ExoMars rover.  He talks about the need to transmit all commands and receive data through a spacecraft orbiting Mars.  Spacecraft engineer,...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Heather Williams, a senior medical physicist in a hospital nuclear medicine department.

Heather found that studying physics at school sparked a particular interest in radiation and its applications in medicine. A key part of her...

This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how mathematicians work with epidemiologists to understand the spread of infections and mitigate their effects. Epidemics can threaten the lives of both humans and animals, so it is essential that we react swiftly to any outbreaks. Mathematicians play a key role in...

In this video Helen describes how she became a trainee molecular geneticist at Addenbrookes hospital. The video could be used to introduce a lesson on  cystic fibrosis, genes, genetic testing, pre-implantation genetic testing, recessive and dominant genes, genetic disorders or genetic screening.


These resources were created as part of the North East Collaborative Outreach Programme funded by HEFCE. The work sheets use companies based in the North East of England as a context for science questions.  Each worksheet has the same structure of ‘know, apply, extend’ to support young people to apply and develop...
