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"Computing isn't about computers" - this quote from one of the CS4FN authors, Paul Curzon, should give you an idea about the resources in this collection. Designed to inspire, these activities are about people, solving puzzles, creativity, changing the future and, most of all, having fun. Magic tricks, philosophy,...

This report gives details of a series of computing lessons designed to relate fundamental concepts of database use and design to children in Primary and Secondary Education (ages of 6 to 16). The skills and concepts developed in...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*Computing curriculum change

*Programming pedagogy

*Database Detectives, a Digital School House resource

*Unplugged computing

*Scratch in the primary classroom

*Real robotics – outreach from...

All data on computers is stored and transmitted using the binary number system. When the binary digits need to be sent over the phone lines (which often happens in home internet connections), the digits are converted to sound...

This Barefoot Computing primary school resource helps children to Understand how search engines work. By acting as a ‘web crawler’ and collecting information across a small selection of web pages, they learn what in data is indexed by search engines and how this is used when a search query is received. As well as...

The Computing at School newsletter is published three times a year. It is full of practical ideas for teachers of computing in primary and secondary schools, with articles contributed by a number of CAS members. With input from teachers, academics, advisors and industry professionals, it provides a varied source of...