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In this activity students consider how different methods of communication operate successfully. By looking at rules and procedures in place, students are introduced to communication protocols. By working through a role-play...

This series of five one-hour lessons covers computer networks at secondary-school level. The objectives of the lessons are:

  • Describe what a network is, the difference between a LAN and a WAN and identify three network topologies.
  • Describe pieces of hardware that are needed in a network.
  • ...

A scheme of work which although aimed at the upper end of Key Stage 2, is also suitable for delivery at the bottom end of Key Stage 3. The scheme contains a whole host of unplugged and plugged activities surrounding networks and communications, including the difference between the internet and the world wide web,...

Using LDRs and sparkles, the student learns how to code a nightlight coming on only once it gets dark. Digital switches can also be incorporated into this.

This resource contains four instant maths ideas exploring how to represent data graphically. In the first task students record how long they watch TV, group the results and draw two separate graphs to compare boys and girls. The second task requires students to consider what type of diagram is suitable to represent...

This five hour teaching pack examines how everyday technologies can be connected via the Internet Of Things (IoT) to improve fire safety. 

From the sensors...

In activity children simply give directions to a “robot” (either an adult or another child) and find out which instructions the robot is able to follow, and how their instructions are taken literally. It allows children to...

This is a resource aimed at students aged 11-14. It is one of a series that support the use of the BBC micro:bit in the classroom. The pack contains several lesson plans, presentations and student handouts. The first ‘unplugged’ lesson introduces students to how programmable systems work, the second they are walked...

Ideal for a Halloween-themed coding lesson! Using sparkles to mirror a candle in a pumpkin – can you make it flicker or only come on once it’s dark?

This series of three lessons introduces Python programming to students in secondary school. The lesson objectives include:

  • Creating simple code including the input and print scripts
  • Using "If statements" to make a decision
  • Using the random function in programs


The aim of this workbook, written by Ali Mulla, is to provide a simple introduction for students to programming in the language Python. The book contains examples, tasks for students to complete and space for students to write their observations and answers to questions posed. The topics covered are: dealing with...

This series of resources supports the teaching and learning of the computer programming language Python. The series of activities, produced by Code Club have support sheets for each of the activity projects. They are easy to follow and support progression in the learning. The activities require studenst to: *...

This activity is a space-themed coding project for learners, combining six to ten hours of STEM linked learning. These lessons use Scratch game creation to explore space and interplanetary missions.

This activity booklet uses the real life context of air traffic control using radar signals to identify the position of an aeroplane that students act out. It provides them with an opportunity to use their knowledge of waves and speed = distance / time to calibrate and calculate the distance a plane is from the...

Ideal for a Halloween-themed coding lesson! Using sparkles to imitate eyes in a portrait – but can be made harder using LDRs or making the lights fade in and out.
