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A collection of resources, from the SYCD Primary CD, exploring 'How Science Works' in everyday life and developing scientific vocabulary and understanding. The major resources are: *Reporting science - a unit which provides an opportunity for pupils to develop their writing, speaking and listening skills through...

Experienced teachers, working for The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), have created over 100 teaching and learning resources and a suite of interactive and informative websites for use by teachers and students. They show how science works in real-life contexts and demonstrate how the chemical...

Climate Futures, from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, is a contemporary curriculum resource that focuses on unraveling the complexity of climate change and environmental issues for lower secondary and upper primary students (10-14 years old...

A collection of activities, from the SYCD Primary CD, designed to engage and enhance the teaching of science. The major resources are: *Science fairs - a complete package that guides teachers through every stage of planning and managing a school Science Fair. *Assembly on sound- the text of an assembly on sound...

The Nuffield Junior Science Project published three background booklets to supplement the information in the Teacher’s Guides.

The three readers were an attempt to help fulfil the need that teachers feel for greater background knowledge of subject matter. In the three books, the project team set out to give...

The Nuffield Primary Science materials were based on the findings of a research project called Science Processes and Concept Exploration (SPACE). This was the first set of resources published in the UK for primary science teaching that was explicitly based on a constructivist view of learning.


Some of the publications from the Nuffield Primary Science Project give general guidance about the research base of the project, its implementation in schools and the professional development for teachers across the full age range in primary schools. Other resources in this library give more specific guidance and...

The students' books were intended to supplement classroom work but not to replace practical work. The books were generally not essential for the activities outlined in the Teachers' Guides.


The students' books were intended to supplement classroom work but not to replace practical work. The books were generally not essential for the activities outlined in the Teachers' Guides.


The Nuffield Primary Science Teachers' Guides are a resource that developed from the findings of the SPACE research programme. They were designed to help teachers put the SPACE approach to teaching and learning into action in their classrooms. The guides were not...

Teachers TV was originally a television channel which aimed to provide professional development support for teachers, school leaders, support staff and governors. Many of the programmes were filmed inside real classrooms, with teachers sharing good practice and ideas for lessons. The videos in this collection are a...

Research Councils UK (RCUK) is the strategic partnership of the UK's seven Research Councils. These are:

•Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

•Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) •Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)

•Economic and Social...

The Primary SPACE reports comprise a series of 10 research reports produced by the Primary Science Processes and Concepts Exploration project. Carried out between January 1987 and 1990, the research investigated primary students' ideas about  science concepts.  The...

These resources, from the Science Year Primary CD-ROM, focus on engaging activities for teaching primary science. Please note that this collection of resources was first published in 2001. Ideas about the teaching of science explanations can change over time, and older resources may require repurposing for use in...

In 2001 the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) funded Science Year in England and Wales. As part of this programme NESTA commissioned the Association for Science Education (ASE) to produce a series of inspiring electronic resources to support science teaching and learning. This rich set...
