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Produced by ARKive, these materials encourage students to gain an understanding of biodiversity, evolution and Darwin’s theory of natural selection. By investigating biodiversity and the process of evolution students learn how traits beneficial for survival are selected for and genetically passed on to successive...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that if a link is suspected between a risk factor and an illness, statistical methods can be used to test whether such a link exists. Topic areas covered are:...

For the vast majority of people modern life is dependent on electricity. Researchers at the University of Oxford are looking into what we use electricity for and when, in order to ensure that in the future, supply meets demand at all times.  In this activity students...

This set of resources are based on Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BiFoR) work. The activities provide an innovative way to introduce the issues surrounding the estimation of biomass. For pupils aged between 11 and 14 there are engaging activities to introduce the concept of biomass and pyramids of biomass...

Climate change has increased heat waves and drought on land, and doubled the probability of marine heatwaves around most of Africa. This resource contains a PowerPoint presentation, a graphing skills activity drawing and interpreting line graphs and a spreadsheet containing data. This is a good source of material...

This resource uses height data from the pilot of CensusAtSchool to encourage Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four students to investigate growth. They are asked to draw conclusions using both calculations and graphs and also consider other factors affecting growth. Students develop skills in interpreting tables,...

Using the data from CensusAtSchool 2006/2007, this data analysis resource looks at trends in life expectancy in populations. Students consider both the primary data collected from CensusAtSchool and secondary data about life expectancy and major causes of death. A plenary asks students to consider what they have...

This online ecology practical, by SAPS, is designed to give students an opportunity to see how systematic sampling can be used to

  • investigate changes in species richness across a footpath
  • the distribution of species across a footpath

These online exercises are not intended as a...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that coffee cools gradually because it is hotter than room temperature and heat is lost to the room. Mixing the coffee with milk also cools it but this effect is...

This activity allows students to investigate how images are produced from data streams by using first a spreadsheet and then an image-processing program. They then go on to see how the usefulness of such a monochromatic image may be enhanced by using lookup tables and calibration. The materials used focus on the...