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This activity allows students to construct a paper CPU using “jigsaw” pieces. They can also add notes to their jigsaw explaining the function of each component. Carrying out this activity allows students to relate sub components of the CPU to one another. For example, they will appreciate that level 1 cache memory...

This activity is an ideal opportunity to use the real-world context of logistics to demonstrate the practical use of greedy...

Machine learning is a process where machines or rather, computer code running on machines, is created that allows the code to develop its own methods to categorise information based on data that we feed into it.  Scientists at the University of Oxford are working on...

This document contains a number of activities for students to carry out. They develop an instruction set for a fictional processor which forms a thought-provoking introduction to this topic. Encourage them to think about basic mathematical operations and how data values need to be manipulated within the CPU. This...