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Ideas and resources for STEM activities for National Tree Week for primary and secondary pupils.

Do you cringe when a student declares "cross multiply!" as soon as they see a problem involving fractions? It doesn't matter whether you teach elementary or high school...

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Each week they carry...

In 2012, the Olympic and Paralympic games will be held in London. These resources look at a wide range of topics that can all be linked to the games. They cover science, technology, engineering and mathematics and can be used in individual lessons or as part of a cross-curricular Olympic and Paralympic theme.


This article, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication ‘Mathematics Teaching’, is taken from MT217.

Jenni Ingram and Robert Ward-Penny give their thoughts on classrooms today by examining the variety of activities that can be seen in the mathematics classroom. Students are frequently...

This study unit offers some practical strategies that teachers use to improve the climate for learning. The techniques suggested are tried and tested; they draw on both academic research and the experience of practising teachers.


A Pentomino is a geometric shape made from five squares arranged edge to edge. This book provides 365 puzzles to try, using the set of Pentominos included within the book.

This document was designed to help school leaders and teachers explore key aspects of personalised teaching and learning and to consider their priorities for further development. For each aspect, there is a section on “How to do this well”, and the guidance was firmly based on practice consistently demonstrated in...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications...

The fourth and final Royal Society ‘state of the nation’ report considers the ‘pool’ of the UK’s 16–19 year old students taking mainstream science and mathematics combinations suitable for entry to higher education. It makes three major points about these students.

• The size of this ‘pool’ is critical to...

This resource, from Politeia, responds to the developments in the educational reform of mathematics, published in 2012. It contains a curriculum, drawn up by Professor David Burghes, Director of the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT) at the University of Plymouth. Particular attention is paid to...


