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In this maths based activity learners will find stations along a rail network, based on journey times and using a known starting position. The task involves adding different combinations of journey times to identify the answer.


Produced by ARKive, this resource teaches key stage two children about classification, variation and how to create and use their own classification keys. A presentation introduces biodiversity through images of a range species and looks at how new species are still being discovered by scientists. Following the...

In this resource learners will explore why scientists are engaged in research at the bottom of the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. They will understand the importance of collecting samples of organisms...

The purpose of this Ofsted conference was the use of assessment in raising standards of teaching and learning. Workshops drew on good practice from Key Stage Two and Key Stage Three, and provided 31 delegates with the opportunity to work with other professionals on assessment for learning (AfL).


This short unplugged activity, away from computers, introduces pattern recognition using familiar objects. Children are asked to analyse groups of objects (cats, cars and so on) to identify features common to all of them. Exceptions to the 'rules' are discussed, and parallels with writing computer programs are...

This activity supports learning in English and Art using the context of Edward Jenner’s work on testing a vaccine on James Phipps.  Children compare a number of artworks depicting Dr Jenner vaccinating James Phipps. As an optional extension activity, they discuss the use of artistic...

This resource by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) puts curriculum science into real-world contexts and provides a cross-curricular approach to salt.

Children undertake a range of hands-on investigations that look at the use of salt. This includes the use of salt to treat icy roads and...

Within this resource, learners will work in groups of four, use their mathematical skills and scientific knowledge to help plan for an expedition to the Antarctic in 3 sessions.  They will consider the appropriate clothing, food and other essential equipment they will need to take with them.  Learners will also use...

This resource, aimed at primary level, contains many activities related to plants, habitats, food chains and recycling. It looks at the features of different habitats and compares the plants that grow in each. Children learn about the features of plants and how certain...

This resource contains a series of lessons which are designed to extend students’ knowledge and understanding of plastics and plastic waste on a global scale. Linking to materials and their properties, the environment, recycling and design and technology, they contain investigations and activities aimed at both...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these resources help to put curriculum science in a real life context. In these activities, children test and classify plastics before investigating their thermal insulation and shock resistance properties. The children then design, make and test a...

This resource, from the Royal Institution, provides a practical experience which introduces students to the classification of 3D shapes. Modelling equipment is used to construct solids and explore possible shapes that can be formed with only triangular, square or pentagonal faces. Students also learn about Platonic...

Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-Bug resource explores the use of antibiotics and medicine in treating various illnesses and disease.

Through a cartoon, students consider a range of scenarios in which the two characters, Amy and Harry, are exposed to germs during their school day. Students...

Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-Bug resource helps students to look at the different ways the body defends itself against harmful infections. Extensive teacher guidance and stimulus materials help to cover topics including: * How the skin forms a barrier that prevents microbes entering the body *...

