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This resource, from the Living in a Materials World CD-ROM produced by Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), describes the achievements of some of the physicists and chemists who have contributed to our scientific understanding of the structure and behaviour...

Produced by the Industrial Trust, Business & Education South Yorkshire and JIVE (Joint Interventions), this leaflet identifies hints and tips to help organisers of visits to industry. Often organisations that are prepared to offer industrial visits to their sites are unaware of the action they can take to make...

There is a high demand for engineers in the UK and engineering is one of the most in demand jobs globally. From apprentices to technicians; graduates to postgraduates, engineers are needed at all levels, in a wide range of sectors.

This leaflet provides guidance for teachers, with key points about...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of instrumentation engineer and STEM Ambassador, Boye Odukunle.

Boye develops precise specifications clients who are building 'plants' or 'facilities' that process oil and gas following its extraction from reserves.

The job offers...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematics modelling can aid investigations into the circulatory system. Blood-related diseases can seriously harm patients’ quality of life and even lead to death. Many of these diseases are caused by...

This case study describes Dr Ceri Brenner’s research at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories into high power laser-plasma interactions, with a particular interest in laser-driven particle acceleration. Ceri explains why she enjoys her job, what qualifications she needed, what motivates her and what skills she has...

This careers leaflet from the APBI looks at the many careers options available in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops and supplies new medicines to prevent and treat illnesses. To achieve this, it employs
talented and dedicated scientists who work together in...

From the London Engineering Project, this document gives practical advice to practitioners about gender and cultural diversity, and suggests good practice in technology and engineering delivery.

The London Engineering Project aims to encourage more girls to take up engineering as a career. This guide shares effective practice in the area of gender inclusion.

Emotional and behavioural disorders affect many millions of people across the world. Behavioural psychologists, like Dr Tom McAdams, are trying to identify family environmental factors that lead to anxiety disorders and depression. This case study describes how his research may help children whose parents...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Tim Moss, a maintenance engineer working for Nottingham Express Transit. Tim has always been interested in all kinds of transport. His work involves researching transport technology and ensuring that Nottingham's tram system runs...

The National STEM Learning Centre and Network supports the teaching and learning of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in schools and colleges throughout the United Kingdom, from primary level to post-16.


Produced by Rolls-Royce, this booklet tells the story of what makes a high value business. It looks at questions such as: What are high value businesses? What do they look like? Why do they matter? The booklet can be helpful to illustrate the types of career opportunities that are available to students with science...

In this STEMNET resource, Assistant Head Teacher Matthew Evans describes activities undertaken in his specialist Technology College to support STEM subject teaching. The school runs many STEM Clubs and has worked with STEM Ambassadors for nearly 15 years.

Matthew works closely with the STEM Ambassadors and...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Andrew Keen, a graduate engineer.

Andrew studied Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing before gaining a placement with an aerospace design company. Following a Masters of Engineering degree in Materials and further work...
