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The ‘introduction to Fixperts ’ section of the Fixpert's resource introduces the Fixpert framework and how it breaks down the design process into 6 stages. It provides examples of schemes of work, curriculum links and a set of frequently asked questions. A student log book is also provided that students can use to...

From Practical Action, this resource encourages students to look at how design specifications are balanced when developing new products.

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these activities are aimed at post-16 students following courses in technology, engineering, physics or materials science. The activities described allow students to gain experience and practice experimental technique in the testing of materials' physical...

Protecting Your Head, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. The context for the activities is the design of head protection for snowboarders where the risk of injury...

Produced by Rolls-Royce, the associated resources in this toolkit help students to make the connection between STEM subjects studied in school or college and possible future career opportunities. The materials illustrate the really exciting opportunities which open up to them through studying STEM subjects. The...

Provided by the British Science Association, with support from Intel Education, these resources provide an insight into a range of activities involved in organising and taking part in STEM fairs. They include contributions from a teacher taking part in STEM competitions...

These materials are provided by the British Science Association and supported by Intel. They aim to give an overview of the types of activities that happen at STEM fairs. The guide is useful in preparing students when visiting a fair. It also covers some of the key...

These tools have been produced for the Department for Education by the Centre for Science Education. The materials are for STEM and economic wellbeing curriculum leaders, teachers and support staff working together to meet the needs of their learners. They will also be useful for STEM and economic wellbeing...

 These materials look at three possible projects that relate to sustainable transport:

* Communications project - students gather information and produce a balanced view on the costs and benefits of using hydrogen as fuel for vehicles.

* Practical project - students investigate the factors that affect...

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to the bicycle used by an athlete in a triathlon: * Communications project - students gather information and give advice about which bike is suitable for a range of users. * Practical project - students undertake practical experiments to investigate the...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this booklet offers advice and guidance for:
* teachers who wish to bring industrial speakers into school
* industrial speakers who would like an insight into the needs of teachers and their...

This outreach programme aimed to build upon good practice from the Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) project Chemistry for our Future, and to develop new activities which could then be used with the RSC’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase (SIAS) equipment. It explored appropriate contexts which may appeal to students...

We know that sometimes it can be difficult to visualise what STEM Ambassadors actually do.

Even after speaking to colleagues who are old hands at delivering activities, questions can still remain. Why do I need to meet the teacher first? What if the students are bored? How do I make it relevant? Where do I...

A useful handbook for setting up a student-led STEM club, with exemplars from three schools.

It is increasingly recognised that giving students opportunities to act as ambassadors and mentors for STEM subjects outside of school can be of great benefit to the individual, their institution, and to the broader...

Produced by the Gender Equality and Race Inclusion (GERI) project, this teacher guidance and classroom activities outline a process that encourages young people to explore, in a comprehensive and constructive way, those jobs usually done by members of the opposite sex. Case studies and activities look at various...
