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Produced by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) as part of their 'At Work With Science' series, this resource looks at a hypothetical, but realistic, project aimed at producing a new way of treating bacterial infections. In this activity, students first consider what features are important...

These activities have been developed for the National HE STEM Programme to be used in conjunction with the video resources found in this collection.


This training resource from the National Strategies considers the causes of poor behaviour for learning as well as staff behaviour and its impact on learning. The aim is for teachers to: • Develop an understanding of how both student and teacher emotions can impact on learning. • Develop some strategies to avoid...

This document, published by SCORE, provides guidance to schools and colleges on the resourcing expectations of practical work in the sciences, to ensure all students receive a well-rounded science education.

It provides a comprehensive list of the levels of resourcing that SCORE considers necessary to carry...

In this lesson, students apply their knowledge of chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, and structure and bonding, to an exciting new context – the chemistry of interstellar space. Having watched an engaging animation, students work in groups to find out about the nature of...

The Big Telescopes poster links ground and space based telescopes with the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that they are observing and their locations on Earth or in space.

The poster explains how larger telescopes allow scientists to learn more about the early universe and map our own galaxy with...

Learning ...

This booklet contains a range of suggested teaching activities and contexts for teaching about biodiversity at A level.  Topics covered include: sampling, species, Simpson's, diversity, conservation, population, and ecology.

Although produced to support the teaching of OCR AS and A Level Biology A...

From ARKive, this hands-on activity is designed to remind post-16 students about the concepts of biodiversity, evolution and Darwin’s theory of natural selection. By investigating biodiversity and the process of evolution students learn how traits beneficial for survival are selected for and genetically passed on...

This booklet contains a range of suggested teaching activities and contexts for teaching about membranes at A level.  Topics covered include: including fluid mosaic, phospholipids, cholesterol, receptors, permeability, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, exocytosis, and osmosis.


This booklet contains a range of suggested teaching activities and contexts for teaching about biological molecules at A level.  Topics covered include: hydrogen bonding, monomers, polymers, glucose, ribose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, glycosidic, starch, glycogen, cellulose, phospholipid, ester, amino acid, protein...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that if a link is suspected between a risk factor and an illness, statistical methods can be used to test whether such a link exists. Topic areas covered are:...

In this biochemistry-based activity students consider why many industrial chemical reactions are being catalysed by enzymes. They find out about an important coenzyme, NADH and act in role as industrial chemists by evaluating the different ways of recycling it.


These resources can be used as a context to look at 14-16 and post-16 biology curriculum areas of:

• vision and the eye

• structure and function of the retina

• development and use of biomaterials

• tissue transplants and stem cells in the treatment of human disorders

• working...

Biomedical Horizons is a multi-pronged project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, designed to raise awareness and spark discussion about the biomedical sciences – from pursuing a career to their role within society.

The aim of this resource is to:
* raise awareness of biomedical sciences and the variety...
