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This collection of resources from MEI provides a series of hints, which are levelled, to prompt students through the questions in two exercises on complex numbers. Worked solutions for each question are also available. There is also a multiple choice test and a chapter assessment available, together with answers....

MEI Online Resources provide this hexagonal jigsaw activity on Complex Numbers.

It is a matching activity in which triangles ultimately fit together to form a large hexagon and is designed as a group activity. Collaboration with others will help to highlight any misconceptions held by individual students....

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity shows how compound interest can be calculated over different intervals. As the intervals get smaller and smaller, the total value approaches a limit. Topic areas covered are:
• Use of...

This activity is designed to enable students to appreciate that the chi-squared test can only be carried out using frequencies. This spreadsheet offers students the chance to play with percentages and other kinds of data to develop the understanding that the chi-squared test cannot be used with this data.


In this activity students explore a spreadsheet which generates a chi-squared distribution with a specific degree of freedom. Students explore the differences in the distribution generated as the degree of freedom varies between 1 and 8. Students are required to find the mean and variance of a distribution with v...

During the statistics course, students will meet a range of different methods of hypothesis testing, all slightly different. The aim of this matching exercise is for students to create a table giving a variety of examples of situations in which a test may take place, the type of test which should be used in each...

The activities in this workbook are designed to help students understand the Normal distribution, the student's t-distribution, the Chi-squared distribution, the F-distribution, the Exponential distribution, the Beta distribution, the Gamma distribution and the Weibull distribution.

For each distribution...

Seven RISP activities covering a range of topics, each one having some activity which explores coordinate geometry.

Circle Property:...

In this resource students deal with the problem of administering doses of a prescribed drug so that the body does not have too little or an excess of the drug. An understanding of half life is required. Students do not need to use more complicated formulae for...

The objectives of this activity are to develop a chain of reasoning and to understand the application of mathematical induction to proving divisibility. Students are given a set of cards. The cards have to be arranged in such a manner that they form the solution to a problem together with justification for their...

This activity from the Nuffield Foundation shows students how to use a recurrence relation to work out how long it takes to pay off a credit card loan and how much it costs. They can use a graphic calculator or spreadsheet to do the working. After working through the given example, where a customer spends £1250 and...

This interactive excel program enables students to investigate cubic functions and the relationship between the factorised form and the graph.

The first activities require the student to use the factor theorem to...

Five RISP starters revise ideas of polynomials and curve-sketching, cover expanding brackets, solving equations graphically, and knowing how to sketch the graphs of curves.


This resource, from the Royal Institution, provides students with the opportunity to explore the formation of a parabola through a paper folding activity. Students follow a set of simple instructions which describe how to fold a piece of A4 paper and are asked to describe what shape is produced. The activity is...

Histogram reconstruction is an activity designed to enable students to gain a deeper understanding of frequency density and how it is used in the construction of a histogram.

Students cut out bars from a rectangle with which students construct three histograms using the clues given in three partially...
