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This resource, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, explores magnetism and how it is used in a compass. It is aimed at key stage 2, but the activities would also be suitable for introducing magnetism to key stage 3.


In this resource, students use real data to explore the conditions on Mars, and use their knowledge of the red planet to answer the question “Should humans or robots explore Mars in the future?”

The resource contains two activities:

  • Conditions on Mars - students use real data and their...

This activity, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, is designed to help students find out all about the Moon, and some of the other 200+ moons that orbit other planets in the solar system.


This resource, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, discusses a range of topics about how the Sun, planets, asteroids and/or moons have been formed over millions of years.


This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

National Moon day commemorates the day in 1969 when the astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the Moon. This was a ground breaking moment for human-kind.

The resources in this list use the Moon to teach about various topics including:

  • the phases of the Moon
  • light and...

The Inventive podcast uses storytelling to encourage listeners to find out more about engineers and what they do.  In each episode, Professor Trevor Cox interviews an engineer, and then a writer uses that interview as inspiration for a piece of fiction. The podcast brings...

This resource, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, is a video that explains why the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere experience different seasons at the same time. It uses clear diagrams and animations to demonstrate how the tilt of...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

This collection includes some activities for primary and secondary aged pupils which could be linked to Star Wars day.  

There are several activities looking at exoplanets and the search for alien life elsewhere in the Universe, which could be used to challenge the scientific validity of the film series....

This resource, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, introduces the age of the current universe and what its final fate may be.

The video answers some questions...

Rockets are used to launch satellites, probes and even astronauts into space. A rocket launch is extremely impressive. Thousands of kilograms are burned in just a few minutes in order to provide the force that the rocket needs in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth. Rockets provide an exciting context to...