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From Genetic Disorders UK, these resources look at how eleven year old Ashley lives with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a genetic disorder which affects facial features. The film and activities in this collection are linked to the following curriculum areas: * Key Stage Two science: understanding personal development,...

This collection of 19 videos, gives the opportunity to interview British astronaut Tim Peake, who visited the International Space Station in 2015-16. Choose from a set of pre-selected questions put forward by school children and hear Tim Peake's pre-recorded answers to hear about anti-gravity, tea making and...

Published in 1989 by Her Majesty's Inspectorate (HMI), this report looks at the changes in science teaching from the mid-seventies to the late-eighties and discusses how further improvements could be achieved. It is based on observations made by HMI during the inspection of 300 primary schools in England, and from...

Published in December 2013.  The ASPIRES study sought to shed new light on our understanding of how young people’s aspirations develop over the 10-14 age period, exploring in particular what influences the likelihood of a young person aspiring to a science-related career.

This report presents key findings...

In this ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource, a Year 3 teacher shares her experience of organising and planning a class assembly on sound. This assembly was presented to the whole school in celebration of the class's ideas and findings during a half-term's topic on sound. The planning and text are detailed here...

Produced in 2009-2010, Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) was produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and is a structured approach to periodic assessment, written to enable teachers to use diagnostic information about students’ strengths and weaknesses and to track students’ progress.


Published by the Teacher Training Agency, these assessment materials provide an opportunity for schools and individual teachers to identify areas of subject knowledge which need further training and development. Developed by teams including teachers, inspection and advisory staff and higher education tutors, they...

From the science QCA, QCDA and Ofqual collection, these resources are materials and guidance produced to assess student performance in the various key stages and examinations.


This resource is a summary of a seminar organised by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education) in November 2009. The seminar aimed to discuss the purpose and methods of assessment of practical work in science. It also looked at the current GCSE specifications and the key philosophical differences of the...

The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) supports research and education about animal behaviour. It provides support to teachers in schools and colleges in teaching animal behaviour, from primary schools to sixth forms. In addition they provide general advice on behavioural methods, statistics,...

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) provides a wide range of resources for use by teachers and students. Many of the materials link topics studied in the classroom to their applications in industry and research. In addition to interactive resources across the 5-19 age groups, this...

In this Space mission themed activity, pupils will observe how seeds grow into mature plants by tracking the development of three unknown seeds. Pupils will also learn to make scientific observations and record data to track the growth of these plants over time before being given the opportunity to interpret and...

In this set of six activities, pupils will investigate which factors affect plant growth, and relate these factors to growing plants in space. They will learn that plants need air, light, water, nutrients and a stable temperature to grow. Children will also observe what happens to plants when they vary some of...

In this set of activities, students will learn about the different components of plants. They will learn which parts of well-known plants are edible and learn the difference between a vegetable, a fruit and a seed. The students will have to imagine and draw the plant associated with the fruit/vegetable/ seed they...

This astronaut logbook introduces pupils to a typical week in the life of an astronaut. It enables pupils to compare an astronaut's diet, exercise, hobbies and clothing with their own. The logbook takes the form of a work book which pupils have to complete whilst learning about the International Space Station and...
