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When teachers are introduced to ideas from research, they seek to make sense of the findings they are presented with by reflecting on their own practice and how they anticipate the research findings may or may not fit with the ways they view teaching, learning and assessment. 

Author: Chris Harrison


Inspired by the theme of the Victorians, this activity supports the teaching of design and technology in context by looking at the key events that defined the Victorian era, and how they have influenced engineering developments and society today.

In this classroom activity learners will learn about the...

This Powerpoint presentation from the May 2016 Research Conference looks at the issues facing teachers in using evaluation in their CPD activities and illustrates how to do this more effectively.

Author: Irina Kudenko

In this activity, students examine changes to forests in cross-border regions of Africa and Borneo using Google Earth Pro to help identify features shown in satellite images and make measurements. The context allows students to explore the factors which put pressure on forested areas, and what is being done to...

This play explores how we can both under- and over-eat and what this does for our health. Set in India it looks at two groups of people, rich and poor, and how both have poor diets for very...

This unit looks at 'fracking', the extraction of shale gas by hydraulic fracturing, as an application of science and considers who has access to, and influence over, decision-making processes which determine what risks are acceptable, and who they...

In this activity, students interpret graphs to identify trends and the people who are affected by this fuel poverty. Learning outcomes include:

*To understand that mathematics is used as a tool in a wide range of...

This resource consists of five lessons in which students research the effect of climate change on glaciers. The overall learning objectives for the lessons are: * To understand the definition of a glacier * To understand what glacier mass balance means (what inputs mass and what are the outputs) * To understand how...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to the ethical and moral issues of remote surgery.

It is intended that students will be able to:
• Understand what...

This is a multi-lesson integrated classroom project based around the theme of the Vikings, allowing design and technology and engineering to be built into a wider theme-based set of primary lesson activities, covering a range of curriculum areas. Activities can be selected as stand-alone tasks, or learners can...

This Nuffield Foundation resource opens with a team game that demonstrates the need for careful planning and collaboration. Students use their findings to construct a standard operating procedure that enables them to improve their performance through better collaboration. They are also introduced to their games...

Published in May 2016, this paper by David Barlex identifies the following key points:

1. The differences between STEM subjects are legitimate and need to be respected

2. By teaching in the light of STEM …  Learning in the STEM subjects can enhance one another. This requires planning but...
