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This resource explores how 'Euler's characteristic' has had an impact on many aspects of real-life, from computing to the shape of a football. The has been created by the Royal Academy of Engineering in partnership with Tomorrow's Engineers as a STEM club or STEM Ambassador activity, but can also be adapted by...

This critical analysis activity for Core Maths students asks students to manipulate data to solve problems based on Eurovision Song Contest information from 2015’s competition.

Eurovision 2015: Overview
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student...

Produced by the Centre for Science Education, this Science Assessment Task for More Able Students, comprises of two investigations with a space-related theme. Students investigate what needs to be considered if humans are to colonise our solar system.

They look at:

* forces and the force of gravity...

This resource has been...

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the advantages of big telescopes and the use of telescopes to do astronomy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. They will then explore the transit method of detecting exoplanets (either practically, or using real astronomical data) and use mathematics to...

There are teacher notes and student materials which describe the research into the potential effects of climate change on a Coralline algae species. Curriculum links include biodiversity, sampling techniques, student t test, Simpson’s Index, photosynthesis, climate...

This package of Core Maths resources introduce students to exponential growth and decay by exploring exponential functions, compound interest for savings and depreciation of assets.

Exponential Growth and Decay: Teacher Guidance

This teacher guidance contains information including...

This booklet in the Unilever Advanced Series was published in 1994. Unlike the earlier booklets published in the 1960s, this booklet includes both theory and practical work. The text includes questions for students and updates the previous booklet on The Chemistry of Glycerides...

Students examine the sugar content of potatoes in relation to emerging interest in the carcinogen acrylamide produced when potatoes are cooked at high temperatures. Employing cutting-edge techniques to genetically modify E. coli bacteria, they will insert the jellyfish gfp gene to make the...

This Core Maths resource package involves students completing a financially-themed project. Students are given the task of promoting, manufacturing and delivering a new mobile phone for the best possible price. Students complete annual reports on monthly income and expenditure, explore interest rates, exchange...

Using a huge wall map of the world, flower pots, compost and videos, children find out everything there is to know about the fruit they eat. They investigate where their fruit has travelled from, and what transport was used getting it to the UK. Children explore the different parts of fruit and compare the seeds of...

A Nuffield design hexagon task focusing on food technology. The resource aims to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected.

This resource...

This teaching resource examines the role of science and technology in preserving food as an important part of global food security. It considers the scale of food spoilage across the globe and the consequences of this for people and their diets. Students investigate simple ways of preserving food relating their...

