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From Teachers TV, this video shows four examples of lessons on light and sound that are suitable for primary school children. Part of the Great Lesson Ideas series, it contains these ideas for lessons: Years Five and Six teacher David Aston, shows how glass bottles and water inspire children to think about how...

This film focuses on Marian Trench which is seven miles is a long way down... more than a mile deeper than Mount Everest is up....

Mah Hussain-Gambles is a biker, a rock music fan and a pharmacologist. Her childhood began in Pakistan and ended in Hull, where she was the only student with Asian heritage at her comprehensive school.

Following a degree in pharmacology, success as a scientist in industry and as social scientist in academia...

In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

Mark Richards is a scientist and a DJ (DJ Kemist). He was born in Nottingham in 1970 to parents who had emigrated from Jamaica and remembers successfully 'battling with the boffins' at his comprehensive school, often coming top in chemistry.

Following a degree in chemistry, he has worked (getting a PhD along...

