Resources by Encounter Edu

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Dissolving sea shells in vinegar

What effect does acid have on sea life?

This unit follows on from 'Do you like your oceans still or sparkling?' The activity demonstrates the ability of an acidic substance (in this case vinegar) to dissolve sea shells.

Malt vinegar contains acetic...

The Frozen Oceans (Primary) education programme is based on journeys undertaken by explorers and scientists taking part in the Catlin Arctic Surveys between 2009 and 2011. The activity ideas and accompanying resources are designed to introduce students to what life is like in the High Arctic and the...

Google Earth


This is a how-to manual to make the most out of your school grounds as a place for investigation, enquiry and inspiration for the pupils at your school.  t provides the tools to run an...

Lesson 1: What organisms live in the Arctic?

In this activity students develop their understanding of simple food chains or webs and scientific vocabulary through making an Arctic life mobile. They will also be introduced to the work of marine scientist, Dr Ceri Lewis, who has worked in the Arctic investigating the impact of...

Lesson 2: How do you train like an Arctic explorer?

In this lesson students simulate the training of Arctic explorers to learn how lifestyles can affect physical and mental health. The lesson is introduced by Ann Daniels, a record-breaking polar explorer as the first woman in history, along with expedition teammate Caroline Hamilton, to reach the North and South...

Lesson 3: How do you eat like an Arctic explorer?

In this resource students learn about diet and the importance of a balanced diet through the experiences of polar explorers. Using creativity and scientific research skills, students will create a menu suitable for an Arctic expedition. The lesson is introduced by Fran Orio, a specialist polar cook, who can make...

Lesson 3: Ocean acidification - Research in action

Lesson 4: How do humans and animals keep warm in the Arctic?

In this lesson students investigate the insulating properties of materials and consider how the adaptations of Arctic organisms help develop these. The context of the lesson is helping to develop new clothing for Tyler Fish, one of the Catlin Arctic Survey explorers.

The entire package of the Frozen Oceans...

Lesson 5: How is the Arctic changing?

In this lesson students learn about the impacts of ice in the Arctic melting by watching a series of demonstrations. The context of the lesson is the work of Dr Helen Findlay who was investigating the effect of environmental change on the Arctic ecosystem.

The entire package of the Frozen Oceans primary...

Lesson 5: What are the factors of the coral reef ecosystem?


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