Resources by STEM Learning

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Start your professional development here. If you are teaching in a primary school, discover how STEM Learning can support you to develop your practice. These tasters provide activities you can complete to make immediate changes, and are indicative of the type of professional development we provide. We look forward...

Start your professional development here. If you are teaching in a secondary school or college, discover how STEM Learning can support you to develop your practice. These tasters provide activities you can complete to make immediate changes, and are indicative of the type of professional development we provide. We...

Creating sparks for energy

This resource challenges students to design a spectacular human-powered invention for creating the spark which lights the bio-fuel generator of a newly built state-of-the-art, eco-friendly house. The students need to produce a design for their invention and enough evidence to convince the judges that the device...

Cross-curricular hands-on primary science

This document looks at a variety of lessons devised by teachers in fourteen Leicester city schools, who took part in a project developing creative and cross-curricular links to practical science.

Supported by European Commission funding, the project supported European schools to raise standards in...


Quantum computers will revolutionise secure communications, and will make some current encryption methods obsolete. This activity, takes in cutting-edge research at the UK Quantum Technology hubs...


This article looks at...

Design a sports glove

In this resource, students design a new glove for use in a sport of their choice. Students may find it helpful to talk with local people who partake in their chosen sport. The P.E. Department may be able to suggest suitable contacts.

A selection of tests, activities and factsheets are available for the...

Design an app or website

In this challenge students are asked produce a 10 minute presentation about either

  •  their proposed app either designed to support a sport or STEM related event taking place at their school or to promote STEM in their school or local area


  • design a website for a disabled...

This project consisted of 11 activities which were trialled by London schools, with the support of STEM Ambassadors.

Participating schools and their students benefited through enhanced teaching of key STEM subjects, brought about by providing students with real, engaging activities that use cutting-edge...

Develop a new sports venue

This resource requires students to consider the challenges of designing and developing a new sports venue. To make this challenge more manageable, it has been divided into four separate challenges: the site, the structure, the court and the environment. As well as researching and developing ideas, the challenge is...


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