Resources by Colin Foster
Displaying 1 - 10 of 50
3D Solids and Nets
This resource consists of 19 instant maths ideas, ideal for use as starter questions, extension question or probing questions to assess understanding, requiring students to: * name different solids * explore the cross sections of different solids leading to a definition of a prism * investigate polyhedral * draw...
This resource consists of 22 instant maths ideas, ideal for use as starter questions, extension question or probing questions to assess understanding, requiring students to: * know the names of different kinds of angles * demonstrate the use of angles using physical activities * explore the angles associated with...
Area and Perimeter
These 20 instant maths ideas, ideal for use as starter questions, extension question or probing questions to assess understanding, require students to explore the perimeters of rectangles which have the same area, convert between different units, investigate Pick’s theorem, explore the four colour theorem,...
This resource consists of 11 instant maths ideas, ideal for use as starter questions, extension question or probing questions to assess understanding, requiring students to: * explain the use of bearings in practical activities * use bearings to crack a code * calculate the connection between the bearing of a...
These 15 instant maths ideas, ideal for use as starter questions, extension question or probing questions to assess understanding, require students to perform a practical experiment in order to estimate a value for pi, describe a circle over the phone, find a connection between the length of the radius of a circle...
Collecting Data
This resource contains nine instant maths ideas exploring what makes a good questionnaire, tasks requiring students to make their own questionnaire, experiments for students to perform in order to collect data, and tasks looking at the subtleties of sampling and grouping data. Student resource sheets ask students...
Combinations and Pascal's Triangle
Combinations consists of seven instant maths ideas including a consideration of the number of arrangements of dots used when writing in Braille, an investigation of Pascal’s triangle, investigating the number of routes through New York, exploring the number of ways six letters can incorrectly be placed in six...
Compound Measures and Rates of Change
This resource contains 13 instant maths ideas designed to provide the opportunity for students to explore the notation of time and the decimalisation of time, work with bus and train timetables, discover what speed an aircraft flies when it travels at ‘mach 2.5’, what crafts’ speed is measured in knots, calculate...
Instant Maths Ideas are aimed at teachers of Key Stage Three but could also be appropriate for use with other age groups. The complete resource contains all eight subject topics together with appropriate resource materials. Each topic has also been included as a separate resource for ease of use. Each topic...
Data, Numeracy and ICT
The complete resource of Data, Numeracy and ICT Instant Maths Ideas contains all eight subject topics together with appropriate resource materials. The ideas are aimed at teachers of Key Stage Three but could also be appropriate for use with other age groups. Each topic contains a number of questions or activities...