Resources by Bowland Charitable Trust

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110 Years On

This assessment task from Bowland asks students to use mathematical reasoning to estimate the number of descendants a girl who lived 110 years ago might have today. The key processes involved are representing, analysing, communicating and reflecting. Students are given a number of basic facts upon which to base...

Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion is a set of four interactive lessons about a full-scale alien attack that coincides with a class visit to Manford City. To set the scene and support the lessons, live television news bulletins, radio broadcasts and telephone messages help to develop the story line. The invasion leads to a series of...

Assessment Guide

The Bowland Maths assessment guide details the role of the assessment tasks in the classroom in helping students become aware of the key processes in mathematics and their importance in problem solving, helping students to take greater responsibility for their own learning and encouraging students to assess and...


This activity requires students to use computer software to try to save a space borne tourist attraction, AstroZoo, which has various exotic space creatures, but has fallen on hard times. The zoo was once a great success, but bad management has seen oxygen reserves exhausted, creature enclosures overpopulated,...

This collection offers students, and their teachers, a set of interesting, exciting problems. Each problem is designed to develop thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills. In completing the activities students will be required to represent a situation in mathematical terms, analyse models, interpret, evaluate...

Bowland Maths includes over thirty tasks designed to help assess students’ achievements and progression against key processes. To help with this assessment, each task contains sample work, and a 'progression table' showing how students’ work on the task can provide evidence of their progress with the four key...


This assessment task from Bowland asks students to work out how much material is needed to make bunting to go round a garden. The key processes involved are representing, analysing, communicating and reflecting. Students are given a number of basic facts upon which to base their solution and two steps are suggested...

Candle Box

This assessment task from Bowland requires students to design a hexagonal based box with dimensions sufficient to hold a candle. The key processes involved are representing a 3-D shape in two dimensions, analysing the net to ensure accuracy and completeness, communicating and reflecting. Students are given a number...

Cats and Kittens

This assessment task from Bowland requires students to analyse a claim made in an advert encouraging cat owners to have their cat neutered. The claim is made that an unneutered cat can have 2000 descendants in 18 months. Students are given a number of basic facts upon which to base their analysis. Students are...

Counting Trees

In this assessment task from Bowland, students are provided with a page containing circles and triangles which represent different trees in a wood. Students are tasked with estimating how many of the different types of trees there are and then required to simplify a complex situation and choose an appropriate...


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