Resources by
Displaying 21 - 30 of 33
Malaria Challenge: Managing Malaria
Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, these materials help students to understand how malaria is tackled in an area where it is endemic. In this activity students are given a scenario where they are allocated the role of malaria programme managers for a...
Model Organisms: Zebra Fish
Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in this activity students have to use their observational skills to identify and record the difference (phenotypic change) between two images, one wild type zebra fish and one mutant zebra fish.
To aid in their diagnosis of the phenotypic change, a glossary...
MRSA Animation
This animation from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is suitable for GCSE and A-level students and provides an introduction to the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.
The animation describes how drug resistant strains such as MRSA can be spread in hospital settings, how infections can be treated and how MRSA...
MRSA Gene Hunt
This is a classroom-based activity from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute that allows students to explore the features of two bacterial pathogen genomes. The aim of the activity is to highlight the role of different genetic components in two strains of Staphylococcus aureus and to identify how these have led to...
Origami DNA
Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this practical activity allows students to create an origami model of DNA, demonstrating its double helix structure. The activity provides a hands-on way of learning about the structure of DNA.
Two templates are available as PDFs; a standard template with the...
Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, these resources provide extensive infromation on a range of disease-causing organisms. Resources include student worksheets, presentations, animations and teacher guidance. Materials are suitable for a wide age range and will help students to understand: * bacterial...
Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, these materials help students to understand the process of protein synthesis from transcription of DNA to translation into an amino acid sequence. Students are able to view an interactive animation of the process and also reinforce their understanding by interpreting...
Sneeze Zone
This hands-on classroom activity from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute for Key Stage Two and Key Stage Three students aims to aid in the teaching of respiratory health and hygiene topics. This interactive, practical activity demonstrates how microbes, such as bacteria...
This animation shows the major stages of subcloning. This is the process of breaking up fragments of DNA from BAC clones into smaller more manageable pieces for DNA sequencing. This process was very important during the Human Genome Project. Subcloning involves several standard molecular biology techniques...
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute’s Public engagement...