Resources by Footagevault
Displaying 1 - 10 of 13
Apollo 1 Fire - the Aftermath
This historic footage, from Footagevault, was recorded at the top of the Apollo 1 rocket stack shortly after the fire which claimed the lives of the first Apollo astronauts. The film shows how ferociously things burn in a high pressure pure oxygen environment. The engineers running this Apollo test procedure had...
Astronauts Leaping on the Moon
This footage, from Footagevault, documents the locomotion of humans on the moon under reduced gravity conditions. It can be used with Key Stage Three and Four students to start discussions about forces. This clip shows Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan leaping towards the camera with great big kangaroo hops.
...Astronauts on 'Space Walk' from the International Space Station
This vertiginous video clip , from Footagevault, shows an astronaut emerging from the Quest airlock on board the International Space Station. Further views recorded from a small camera mounted on the astronaut's helmet show the astronaut-eye view of his spacewalk, looking around the outside of the Space Station...
A selection of archived film clips from Footagevault looking at historic space footage. Film clips available include: 'Saturn V rocket lift-off', 'The hammer and the feather on the moon', 'Astronauts leaping on the moon' and more. Footagevault has kindly provided clips which can be used with no charge.
Living in Space
Produced by FootageVault, these videos from NASA illustrate the effects of apparent weightlessness as astronauts live and work in space. Clips include astronauts in Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. The clips can be used to illustrate forces, movement and how objects...
Playing with Toys in Space *suitable for home teaching*
Looking for a clip to illustrate momentum? Footagevault has provided this footage of astronaut Jeff Hoffman playing with a red toy car on a looped race track on board the Space Shuttle. The car's momentum and centripetal force keep it on the race track initially, before friction slows it down.
Saturn V Rocket Lift-off, Showing Staging
This clip, from Footagevault, could be used for teaching Key Stage Three and Four content on energy, electricity and forces, or chemical and material behaviour. The film clip dramatically shows Newton's Third Law of Motion in action, "to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction...". The footage...
Spaceflight History: Early Space Suits
Produced by FootageVault, using original NASA video, these clips show developments in early space suit design. The clips show how suits were tested for mobility and shows details of the joints that needed to be both flexible and airtight. They can be used to illustrate how engineers tackled the problems of...
Spaceflight History: First Spacewalk
Produced by FootageVault, this original NASA video shows America's first spacewalk, made by astronaut Ed White, from his Gemini IV spacecraft on the 3rd of June 1965. The spacewalk lasted 23 minutes, during which time the astronaut manoeuvred using a hand-held oxygen-jet gun to push himself.
Spaceflight History: High Altitude Parachute Test
Produced by FootageVault, and using original NASA video, these clips chart the first high altitude balloon flight of Joe Kittinger during Project Excelsior. This was a series of high-altitude parachute jumps made in 1959 and 1960 to test the Beaupre multi-stage parachute system. The final...