Resources by RISPs
Displaying 1 - 10 of 29
Algebra 2
The first of four RISP activities, Exploring Pascal's Triangle...
Basic Algebra
Three RISP activities designed to introduce or consolidate basic algebraic skills.
Brackets Out, Brackets In: students are asked to insert integers into a statement containing brackets in order to...
Coordinate Geometry
Seven RISP activities covering a range of topics, each one having some activity which explores coordinate geometry.
Circle Property:...
Curve Sketching
Five RISP starters revise ideas of polynomials and curve-sketching, cover expanding brackets, solving equations graphically, and knowing how to sketch the graphs of curves.
This RISP activity introduces the subject of differentiation. Rather than start from first principles or learning a rule, the activity suggests using a graphing package to generate data. Starting with a quadratic graph, students find the gradient of the curve using a straight line graph and are encouraged arrive at...
Differentiation 2
Two Special Cubes...
The eBook of Forty Rich Starting Points for A level Core (RISPs) contains all the activities for use in AS Level Core mathematics and A2 Level Core mathematics.Each RISP contains a student sheet outlining the activity and a teacher version containing guidance on how to use the RISP and additional information to...
eBook of Forty Risps
This ebook provided by RISPs constitutes a collection of forty open-ended investigative activities for use in the A Level pure mathematics classroom. The book consists of two parts: the first part of the ebook lists all activities indexed by topic together with the teachers' notes. The second part advises on how to...
The first of two RISP activities, Periodic Functions, asks students to write down as many periodic functions as they can. The activity progresses to look at what happens...
Further Risps eBook
This resource contains forty ‘rich starting points’ (or risps) for those studying Further Mathematics A Level. Each risp activity aims to make learning more exploratory and open-ended whilst still covering the syllabus requirements.
Each activity contains prompts or questions to be shared with students,...