Leading and managing continuing professional development

This book is a welcome and practical guide to the wealth of publications on Continuing Professional Development and makes an excellent contribution to the current and widening debate on the nature of Continuing Professional Development.

For School Leadership Teams it is an essential resource and reference for the managing of professional development and learning. It also serves as an excellent practical guide, and CPD coordinators reading this book will find themselves questioning and as a result developing their own practice.

The book is written in accessible language using believable case studies to illustrate the wealth of research that has been carried out. The deeply embedded notion among some teachers that professional development consists of the one day course is challenged, and the reader is left in no doubt as to the range of opportunities that exist and need for them to be harnessed in order to ensure school improvement.

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Subject(s)Cross curricular
Author(s)Peter Earley, Sara Bubb
Published by

Shelf reference658.4092 EAR
Direct URLhttps://www.stem.org.uk/x869s

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