- View more resources from this publisherNuffield Foundation
- View more resources from this publisherMcGraw-Hill
Theory Into Practice
Theory Into Practice, from the Nuffield Foundation, was published in the early 1970s when there were significant developments both in the style of science teaching in schools and in the arrangements for teaching education and professional development. The resource includes activities designed to help teachers to make links between general theoretical ideas about education and what they actually do in the classroom.
The Science Teacher Education Project team took the view that the responsibility for professional development and for an integration of theory with practice lay with teachers, preferably working as members of a group with experienced help available. This resource included carefully planned, but unprescriptive, exercises requiring thought, action, and thought again. The exercises were intended to be worked by teachers in their first year after qualification, by those on teaching practice, and (perhaps with the greatest profit of all) those within sight of retirement.
* Introduction
* Understanding your pupils
* Developing your teaching skills
* Preparing your lessons
* Considering the context of your work
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