- View more resources from this publisherScience and Technology Facilities Council - UKRI
Key Stage Three: Space Science
These resources from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) cover the QCA Key Stage Three unit of work 7L 'The Solar System and beyond' through an 'ideas and evidence' approach. It is a unique opportunity to use contemporary information and images.
Each lesson is designed to last an hour, but can be extended if necessary. The teacher notes offer additional guidance on the lesson plans and include ideas for differentiation, possible homework, a list of resources needed and details of useful websites. Background information to support teachers is also available.
All lesson plans include lesson objectives (WALT) and differentiated outcomes (WILF). Suggested starter and plenary activities are included as well as the main lesson activities.
Lessons 1 and 2 should be taught first to consolidate Key Stage Two work. Lesson 3 can be delivered at any stage as it offers opportunities to consolidate or extend pupil learning.
Lessons 4 and 5 focus on historical evidence.
Lesson 6 needs to be delivered before Lesson 7.
Lessons 8 and 9 give pupils opportunities to communicate their work creatively.They also allow pupils to revisit concepts that may need further work. Appropriate SAT questions are included and can be used for assessment.
STFC is a part of the Research Councils UK (RCUK) partnership of research councils.
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