- View more resources from this publisherNelson Thornes
- View more resources from this publisherBEAM Education
Counting Activities for Students Aged 3-5
A selection of resources published by BEAM for teachers of early years mathematics. They include challenging problems and resources to help students practise and consolidate their counting and number recognition skills.
The activities, with their mathematical content, are:
*Numbers - number recognition
*Matching butterflies - counting numbers
*Birthday badges - writing numbers
*Counting ducklings - counting and writing numbers
*Dominoes - recognising numbers
*Dot to dot - sequencing numbers to 10
*Dotty - counting
*Draw the candles - counting
*Flowers - counting and recognising the highest number
*Fruit trees - counting
*Ice cream - counting
*Ladybirds - counting and writing numbers
*Legs - drawing and counting
*Legs 2 - recognising numbers up to 6
*Milk bottles - drawing and counting
*Painting pictures - drawing and counting
*People and fish - counting
*Raindrops - counting and comparing numbers
*Stamps - writing numbers
*Stars galore - counting the points on stars
*Toys - drawing and counting
*Leaves - drawing and counting large numbers.
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Please be aware that resources have been published on the website in the form that they were originally supplied. This means that procedures reflect general practice and standards applicable at the time resources were produced and cannot be assumed to be acceptable today. Website users are fully responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is in accordance with current regulations related to health and safety and that an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.
Numbers 31.77 KB
Matching butterflies 30.27 KB
Birthday badges 137.68 KB
Counting ducklings 289.83 KB
Dominoes 42.61 KB
Dot to dot 39.66 KB
Dotty 193.96 KB
Draw the candles 20.82 KB
Flowers 50.04 KB
Fruit trees 57.62 KB
Ice cream 128.54 KB
Ladybirds 103.05 KB
Legs 35.59 KB
Legs 2 189.46 KB
Milk bottles 34.86 KB
Painting pictures 34.56 KB
People & fish 50.3 KB
Raindrops 71.21 KB
Stamps 69.46 KB
Stars galore 27.06 KB
Toys 30.52 KB
Leaves 45.05 KB