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Girls in Physics: Teacher Resources
Several publications for teachers that draw from the findings of research into strategies to increase girls' participation in physics post-16.
'Girls in the Physics Classroom: A Teachers' Guide for Action'
This guide was produced as a result of the Institute of Physics' 2006 research review into girls participation in physics. The intention of this guide is to inform teachers about how girls experience physics and what influences their motication for, and learning of, the subject.
'Girls into Physics: Action Research - a practical guide to developing and embedding good classroom practice'
This guide is a practical resource for teachers interested in understanding and removing the barriers to girls' progression in physics through an action research approach. The guide is designed for teachers who may be trying out action research for the first time.
Accompanying the guide are several 'Action pack inserts - Additional Resources':
*Dos and don'ts for consulting girls to encourage their increased take-up of physics
*Guidelines for using positive role models to encourage girls in physics
*Guide to running a one-day workshop to make girls more aware of physics-related careers
*Careers from physics - quiz
*Ensuring 'girl-friendly' learning in the physics classroom - a checklist for teachers
*Learning activities to inspire and engage: 'Forces - Olympic cyclists', 'Radioactivity and medical physics', 'The sound of music', 'Series and parallel circuits', 'Take charge'
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