NRICH Perimeter, Area and Volume Key Stage 4

This list supports teaching of perimeter, area and volume in secondary mathematics. It provides investigations, problems and games from NRICH as well as classroom activities on the STEM Learning website that compliment them.



Here are some favourite activities selected by the NRICH team.

  • Track Design  This activity investigates designing running track for a new Olympic stadium, subject to a list of constraints.
  • Curvy Areas  A pattern is made using overlapping semicircles inside a circle. The first challenge is to construct the pattern accurately. The next challenge is to calculate the proportion of each colour used in the design.
  • Triangles and Petals An equilateral triangle is rotated around another equilateral triangle to produce a flower with three petals. The first challenge is to calculate the perimeter of the flower's petals. The challenge develops by rotating an equilateral triangle around other polygons.

These are just a few of the activities on Perimeter, area and volume  that you can find on the NRICH curriculum pages.




The activities below, taken from the STEM Learning website, complement the NRICH activities above.