Oceans 5-11
This is a list of resources specifically selected to support the Polar Explorer Project.
Salty Seas
In this resource learners will explore density and the effect that adding salt to water has on floating and sinking eggs. it demonstrates why things float more easily in our oceans.
How is the Arctic changing?
This unit investigates one of the ways the Arctic is changing as a result of global warming. The sea level rise investigation demonstrates how the melting of different types of ice in the Arctic will affect sea level rise. This investigation is taken from Digital Explorer Frozen Oceans: Mission 5 How is the Arctic changing? Found at www.stem.org.uk/rx4tod.
The accompanying presentation can be used alongside this investigation (slides 1 to 22) to highlight how the Arctic ice is changing. The other demonstrations can also be used for older children, extending into the key stage 3/4 curriculum.
Autosub 6000 Ocean Floor Mission
In this resource learners will use Scratch, to debug and then improve a program to move Autosub6000 around the ocean floor, photographing samples found. The remote movement will be controlled through a keyboard’s arrow keys initially and then the children will be challenged to create a program which will move Autosub6000 autonomously.
The Longitude Problem
This film, from Twig World, looks at the relationship between time and place. In an age before satellite navigation and GPS, one man found an ingenious solution to the problem of determining a ship's location at sea.
Classroom Antarctic
Ideas contained in Classroom Antarctica will stimulate students’ interest in real-world applications for science, mathematics and studies of society and environment, inspiring and engaging your students in learning.
Arctic Live 2016 Ocean Experiments
A series of simple, practical experiments based on the research work of scientists to introduce more marine and ocean life to classrooms as part of Arctic Live 2016. Use the experiments as part of topics covering geographical processes, global energy exchange, chemistry and carbon dioxide, and exploring ecosystems and what affects them.
The Polar Explorer Y6-Y7 Transition Project
Why not integrate some Polar research into a transition project? This resource provides a framework for teachers to run a transition project with Year 6 pupils to help them with the move from primary to secondary school.