Quantum physics
This is possibly the part of the A level course that is most satisfying to teach, mainly because the contents of this topic will be new to most students (depending on their GCSE exam board).
You could cover this topic through the history of the development of the theory of light - it is a really good chance to emphasise that science isn't simply about a series of geniuses who invent theories in isolation just by thinking about it. The story of quantum mechanics suggest collaboration and building upon others ideas. The question of whether light is a particle or a wave really starts with Isaac Newton whose treatise on optics described light as a stream of particles called “corpuscles”. This theory competed with Christiaan Huygens' theory of light travelling as a wave through a medium just like sound. Later Thomas Young demonstrated the wave behaviour of light through his double slit experiment.
This topic stops before developing further ideas of quantum mechanics including quantum entanglement. Some of the results of the wave-particle duality are very counterintuitive, but there is no need for students to develop ideas further than the observed phenomena and the implication for the scientific model of light and matter.
The topic covers:
- describing the behaviour of photons and the interactions with and between subatomic particles.
- it is important to ensure students understand the link with the Bohr model of the electron and that the energy that a photon carries has to correspond exactly with energy required to excite electrons through energy levels. Students who also study chemistry will realise the link between electron shells and energy levels. Energy must be converted from electron-volts into joules before used in the E=h×f formula. A common problem is that photon energies are often given in MeV and so the conversion factor of 1 eV = 1.6×10-19 J can be also recalled as 1 MeV = 1.6×10-13 J . In other words, it needs to be a million times bigger.
- using the photon model to explain observable phenomena:
- the Teaching Advanced Physics resources provide practical experiments for students to do. Measuring Plank's constant using the LEDs of different frequencies is an experiment that works well, so long as a tube is used to block out external light.
- describe evidence supporting the photon model:
- when developing ideas around the photoelectric effect, ensure the link is made to the idea that this was definitive evidence for the particle model.
- wave-particle duality, particle diffraction:
- students will be new to this idea, but explaining it in terms of its applications. For example, electron microscopes and doing a good demonstration of the effect should help them realise that despite the counterintuitive nature of the phenomenon, it is a real one.
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Particles and waves: The central mystery of quantum mechanics - Chad Orzel *suitable for home teaching*
This TED:Ed lesson is a good introduction to the topic showing some of the issues in the successive models of the atom and how it links to this topic and includes some assessment questions and further ideas.
Students could be asked to review this lesson as a extended learning task, and attempt the assessment questions.
The original double slit experiment *suitable for home teaching*
This is an excellent introduction to ideas about what light is and how those ideas have developed over time.
It starts with some interesting ideas about 'what light is' from the general public. A good idea is to stop the video at one minute and ask your students for their definition of light: perhaps the ideas given at the start of the video won't seem so crazy after all.
The main point of the video though is to give a very clear demonstration of Young's double slit experiment and it has a nice section of the presenter going to look at Thomas Young's original notes from his work.
The video shows an excellent representation of interference patterns and what it means to say that light behaves as a wave.
Episode 501: Spectra and Energy Levels
This resource contains examples of demonstrations that students can use. It is a good idea to use the diffraction grating to examine the spectra from different elemental sources, such as sodium lamps.
There is a discussion of quantisation, and the idea that the energy levels correspond to specific frequencies of light. The energy levels in the hydrogen atom are detailed, and it is important for the students to be aquainted with these.
The experiments in this resource are all useful and complement the topic well.
Episode 502: The Photoelectric Effect
This resource from the Institute of Physics contains questions for students to work through as well as the experiment described in the video below.
It also contains a further experiment to measure the threshold frequency by determining the stopping potential. The concept of stopping potential isn't required at A level, but this is a useful experiment to do. There is a further description of how Milikan used similar apparatus to determine the Plank constant.
Photoelectric Effect
An excellent video that describes the gold leaf photoelectric effect experiment. This is a video for teachers to explain how to do the demonstration for your students and is clearly explained.
Photoelectric Effect *suitable for home teaching*
The photoelectric effect is not always possible to demonstrate. This PhET simulation will give a useful online explanation of the effect including demonstrating that when light is shining on the metal but there is no current, increasing the frequency will lead to a current, but increasing the intensity of light or the voltage between the plates will not. This is something that is hard to demonstrate practically.
Sixty Symbols - de Broglie Waves
This video gives a good quick history of de Broglie and the problem of wave-particle duality.
Electron Diffraction Tube
A demonstration for teachers on how to safely setup and use the electron diffraction tube to show electrons behaving as a wave. If you do not have access to an electron diffraction tube, you could use this video to show students, but much better to do it in the lab.
Episode 506: Particles as Waves *suitable for home teaching*
This resource contains worked calculations for students to carry out as well as a thorough explanation and history of the development of the de Broglie equation.
There are useful questions to use when discussing this development with students.