Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciation Day - 16th July
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming necessary in many areas of life, from healthcare to entertainment. This collection of resources support exploration of Artificial Intelligence for students aged 7 to 16.
AI: Where is The Intelligence?
This booklet was created by the Computer Science for Fun team (Paul Curzon, Peter McOwan and Jonathon Black), for a Junior School project on artificial intelligence. Its articles include:
- The history of ‘living dolls’
- How we recognise intelligence - which animals / machines are clever? ...
CS4FN Issue 18
This edition of Computer Science for fun asks ‘Can Machines be Creative?’ The articles inside include:
- The work of Ada Lovelace
- Playfulness and creativity
- The letter-writing algorithm that dare not speak its name
- Teaching computers – a parent-child relationship
- ...
Careers in robotics
This poster displays quotes from STEM Ambassadors who use robotics in their role:
- Researcher
- Offshore Renewables Energy Engineer
- Artificial Intelligence Engineer
Human Enhancement
This unit asks students to consider the range of factors and the implications of human technological enhancements, focussing on brain-computer interfaces.
Human enhancements can be used to improve human functioning, such as a cochlea implant can help deaf people hear. This unit looks at other technological...