
This collection of resources is produced by the Core Maths Support Programme to support the implementation of Core Maths. The collection contains a range of activities all designed to enable students to use and apply statistics in unfamiliar contexts.



Showing 38 result(s)

The Jellyblubber colony

In this Core Maths task students are introduced to a new species of jellyfish that has been found off the Sussex coast and nicknamed ‘jellyblubbers’ by local people. It impossible to count how many ‘jellyblubbers’ are present, but some data has been collected and is being analysed for the purpose of answering the...

Shockwheat memos

This Core Maths task asks students to analyse data surrounding the design and promotion of a new breakfast cereal, ‘Shockwheat’, and the collectable toys contained in each pack.

Shockwheat: Teacher guide
A lesson by lesson outline, containing notes and suggestions on how best to...


This Core Maths task investigates various aspects of gambling. Students investigate various aspects of gambling and helps develop a realistic...

Skew in histograms

In this Core Maths resource students examine real-life data, identify skew, and investigate the relationship between mean, median and mode for distributions with varying skew.

Skew in Histograms: Teacher guidance
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior...


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