Algebra: Using Equations and Functions

This sub-collection of resources from the Virtual Text Book collection contains seventeen resources designed for use on an interactive whiteboard to aid the teaching and learning of a variety of topics in ‘Algebra: Using Equations and Functions’. Each resource is an interactive Excel worksheet to encourage teacher-student interaction. The topics covered are:

• Circles – Equations and Graphs
• Cubics (Factorising and Graphing)
• Calculus: Graphing the First and Second Differentials
• Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
• Factorising
• Gradient
• Graphical Solutions of Equations
• Growth and Decay
• Inequalities
• Linear Equations
• Max Box
• Numerical Methods
• Quadratics
• Simultaneous Equations
• Straight Lines: y=mx + c
• Transformation of Functions
• Travel Graphs



Showing 16 result(s)

Circles - Equations and Graphs

This excel program contains a series of interactive spreadsheets related to the equation of the circle. The first sheets enable the student to alter the radius and centre of the circles centred at the origin and elsewhere. The program allows the student to view the...

Cubics (Factorising and Graphing)

This interactive excel program enables students to investigate cubic functions and the relationship between the factorised form and the graph.

The first activities require the student to use the factor theorem to...


This resource contains two interactive excel programs which enable students to investigate cubic functions and the relationship between the factorised form and the graph.



This excel program contains a series of interactive spread sheets designed to explore the concept of a gradient of a curve.

The first activity illustrates that the gradient of a function, at a point P, is the gradient...
