Catalyst Volume 25 Issue 3

This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:

From Pollutants in Whale Blubber to CSI Chemists

This article looks at scientists who are monitoring the accumulation of synthetic chemicals which are polluting the Arctic environment.

Conservation Biologist

In this article, David Edwards studies ways of reducing the impact of human activities in tropical regions.

Making the World Safer

This article investigates how mercury, which is a poison, can be removed from natural gas using ionic liquids.

The landing - Philae Touches Down

Tom Lyons describes how the Philae lander, launched from the Rosetta spacecraft, has landed on Comet 67P.

Gardens in the Sky

This article investigates how plants can be grown in orbiting spacecraft and how this may be useful in future manned space missions.

Are Airships Making a Comeback? 

Airships are making a comeback! The Airlander is an airship which can be used for transporting heavy loads over long distances.

Water Movement in Potatoes

This article investigates osmosis: water enters or leaves plant tissue (raw potato) according to the concentration of water in its surroundings.

UK Ecologist

 In this article looks at the work of Michael Pocock, who is an ecologist who surveys UK environments and constructs food chains of the species he identifies.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. 



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Gardens in the Sky

This Catalyst article investigates how plants can be grown in orbiting spacecraft and how this may be useful in future manned space missions.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3.

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