Science Resources

A collection of early years science resources designed to help early years practitioners support children in their early stages of learning science. The resources include activities, games and educational display materials.



Showing 11 result(s)

Bones of the Body Bingo Cards

This activity is a bingo game designed to help children learn about the human skeleton. It contains two sets of cards one showing bones of the body and the other the names of the bones corresponding to the pictures.

Provided by Early Years Learning HQ, the cards may be printed out and laminated for use in...

My Body Word Mat

Aimed at Early Years this resource consists of a versatile illustrated word mat featuring various parts of the body. It provides a reference for discussions and activities relating to the topic of ‘my body’ / ‘ourselves’.

This resource has been provided by Early Learning HQ.

Teeth Posters

This resource consists of a set of A4 six posters showing the different kinds of human teeth. It also includes a detailed diagram of the inside of a tooth and the inside of the human mouth. These A4 posters are ideal to use when learning about teeth and eating, the ‘my body’ topic or for dentist role-play in your...

Our Changing World Display Poster

This resource linked to the topic of seasonal changes contains a display banner showing the changing of the seasons from Spring to Summer, Autumn to Winter. It is ideal to use as part of a classroom display when discussing the different seasons in early years and lower primary. The display poster has been provided...
