Earth Science - Volcanoes

The films in this collection look at how scientists study volcanos. The films contain footage of volcanoes erupting and cover areas such as the formation of islands, types of eruption, the structure of volcanos and whether we can predict eruptions.



Showing 9 result(s)

Danger: Volcanic Ash

This film, from Twig World, looks at why hundreds of planes were grounded by volcanic ash when a volcano in Iceland erupted in 2010, and how dangerous a volcanic ash cloud can be.

The key points made in the film are:

•In March 2010, the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland grounded commercial...

FactPack: Extreme Eruptions

This film, from Twig World, reveals some of the most active, and the most potentially devastating, volcanoes on Earth.

The key points made in the film are:

•Nevado Del Ruiz in Colombia erupted in 1985, causing mudslides that killed 25,000 people. •Stromboli, Italy, is one of the world's most active...

Kilauea - the Island Maker

Volcanoes are infamously destructive, but they can also be a constructive force. This film, from Twig World, looks at how Mt. Kilauea, the world's most active volcano, helped create the islands of Hawaii millions of years ago.

The key points made in the film are:

•Mount Kilauea in Hawaii is the...

The Last Day of Pompeii

This film, from Twig World, looks at the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which devastated Pompeii, encasing the whole city in ash for nearly 1500 years.

The key points made in the film are:

•On 24 August 79 AD, the inactive Mount Vesuvius erupted, sending molten rock 15km into the sky. •Four billion...


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