Human Geography - Mapping Earth
The films in this collection look at how we map the Earth. Topics include ordnance survey maps, time zones, longitude and mapping the ocean floor.
Mapping the Sea *suitable for home teaching*
This film, from Twig World, looks at how the oceans can be mapped. Charting the waters around the Scottish island of Orkney was a pivotal moment in maritime mapping. But a reliance on outdated maps places modern ships in danger. The key points made in the film are: •Before mapping of the sea floor began, hazards...
Ordnance Survey Maps
This film, from Twig World, looks at the history of ordnance survey maps. Ordnance Survey has been creating maps for hundreds of years. How have their mapping methods changed since the first Ordnance Survey maps were made?
The key points made in the film are:
•The British Ordnance Survey team are...
The Longitude Problem
This film, from Twig World, looks at the relationship between time and place. In an age before satellite navigation and GPS, one man found an ingenious solution to the problem of determining a ship's location at sea. The key points made in the film are: •Lines of latitude circle the Earth horizontally; lines of...
Time Zones
This resource, from Twig World, looks at time zones around the planet and how these changes affect people.
The key points made in the film are:
•There are 24 time zones, which are regions on Earth that are bound by longitudinal lines. •Local time depends on what time zone you are in. •The system of...