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Eigen Maths: Shape Activity in the Classroom
These 14 A5 booklets from Eigen Publications contain a very wide range of activities that provide practical approaches to shape which use relatively simple equipment. Virtually all of the activities focus on using correct mathematical language and encourage students to describe shapes using their properties. The booklets are written for teachers to use and adapt – there is quite a wide span in the levels of difficulty and the reader is expected to filter the material appropriately. Many of the booklets contain either complete or at least partial solutions. Several booklets contain activities which could be used in a ‘Maths Club’ setting and some activities which would produce very attractive displays.
The titles in the series are:
* Book 1 The Tetrahedron
* Book 2 The Octahedron
* Book 3 Limping Seagulls
* Book 4 Cube Dissections
* Book 5 The Rectangle
* Book 6 Tangram Activities
* Book 7 Three-piece Dissections
* Book 8 Further Dissections
* Book 9 Christmas Tangrams
* Book 10 Nine-Pin: Sorting
* Book 11 Nine-Pin: Area
* Book 12 Seven-Pins
* Book 13 Pentomino Pairs
* Book 14 Pentomino Trios
Shape Activity in the Classroom - Books 1 to 7
These Eigen publications booklets focus on the construction of three-dimensional shapes and dissection problems involving two-dimensional shapes.
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Shape Activity in the Classroom - Books 8 to 14
These Eigen publications booklets contain interesting problems based on drawing polygons on seven and nine pin grids, a range of problems using pentominoes and further dissection and tangram puzzles.
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