Physics of fluid flow 12

This Association for Science Education (ASE) publication about the physics of fluid flow was developed in association with the Dowty Group,. At the time, the company had four divisions that were Aerospace and Defence, Mining, Industrial, and Electronics. The Group employed almost 15,000 people.

The booklet contained guidance for teachers and notes for students. It included activities suitable for both students aged 14 to 16 (O-level work) and for students aged 16 to 19 (A-level work).

Teachers’ Guide
1. Industrial background
2. Educational scope
3. Notes on experiments
Section A: Effect of temperature on viscosity (A-level)
*Experiment A (i): Investigating the rate of oil leakage at different temperatures
*Experiment A(ii): Making a simple 'visco-valve'
Section B: Using valves to control the flow of a liquid (O-level)
*Experiment B (i): Making a simple machine to control rate of flow of a liquid in a pipe
*Experiment B(ii): Using an electromagnet to control the rate of flow of a liquid in a pipe
Appendix I: Examples of pupils' solutions to Experiment B(i)
Appendix II: Relationships to physics concepts

Students’ Notes
Experiment A (i): Investigating the rate of oil leakage at different temperatures
Experiment A(ii): Making a simple 'visco-valve'
Experiment B (i): Making a simple machine to control rate of flow of a liquid in a pipe
Experiment B(ii): Using an electromagnet to control the rate of flow of a liquid in a pipe

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Author(s)Linda Scott
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Shelf referenceA 507.12 ASS
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